Bybelliedjies vir Kleintjies en Kleuters

Gertie Smit





Date Released:

December 2019

Price (incl. VAT):

R 275.00


Soft cover, 56pp

About this book:

From early childhood development specialist Gertie Smit comes this book with 40 brand new songs based on Bible stories and characters, as well as songs teaching good values and simple prayers for children. The CD contains all the songs as well as retellings of 6 favourite Bible stories with music, e.g. The Good Samaritan, The Lost Sheep and The Christmas Story. Illustrations are by Tasia Rosser.


My lapboek/My cloth book: Plaasdiere/Farm animals


Loer binne: Goeters wat beweeg

Elsa Silke, Really Decent Books

Raai hoe lief is ek vir jou (2021)

Sam McBratney, Linda Rode

Verf en leer: 123

iSeek Ltd

My eerste tweetalige woordeboek/My first bilingual dictionary

Miles Kelly

Babadierestories: Nag, Eendjie

Elsa Silke, Magic Cat

Opwipsprokie: Gouelokkies en die drie bere

North Parade Publishing

Stap vir stap: Tel tot 50


Badboek: Uil


Eerste treë: Hallo, kleuterskool!

Townhouse Publishing

Slimkoppies: Plaasdiere

Globe Publishing

The Dog with the Broken Wag

Paula Fourie, Emily House

Loer binne: Dinosourusse

Elsa Silke, Really Decent Books

My lapboek/My cloth book: Wilde diere/Wild animals


Soek in die boek: Troeteldiere

Townhouse Publishing

Step by Step: Counting to 50


Soek in die boek: Wilde diere

Townhouse Publishing , De Wet Hugo

My eerste boek oor die Groot Vyf

Human Rousseau

Babadierestories: Nag, Apie

Elsa Silke, Magic Cat

Soek in die boek: Plaasdiere

Townhouse Publishing , De Wet Hugo

Tjoppie en die muskiet

Liz de Villiers, Vian Oelofsen

Opwipsprokie: Die drie varkies

North Parade Publishing

Tjoppie se besige dag

Liz de Villiers, Vian Oelofsen

Step by Step: Counting to 100


My first book of the Big Five

Human Rousseau

Babadierestories: Nag, Hasie

Elsa Silke, Magic Cat

My gunsteling-slaaptydstories

Kobus Geldenhuys, Buttercup Publishing

Ek gaan skool toe!

Philip De Vos

Eerste treë: Hallo, nuwe baba!

Townhouse Publishing

Soek in die boek: Dinosourusse

Townhouse Publishing

Drake deel nooit!

Nicola Kinnear, Jaco Jacobs

On My Papa's Shoulders

Niki Daly

Op Pappa se skouers

Niki Daly, Michelle Cooper

My first book of farm animals

Human Rousseau

Badboek: By


Tjoppie sê goeienag

Liz de Villiers, Vian Oelofsen

Die hond met die stert sonder swaai

Paula Fourie, Emily House

Slimkoppies: My liggaam

Globe Publishing

Meerkat series: Grade 1 Book 1 ENG HL

Mart Meij, Beatrix de Villiers

Saadjie en Spikkel

Alex Latimer, David Litchfield, Elsa Silke

Leer van kleure saam met Ollie Olifant

Cuberdon , Kobus Geldenhuys

Leer van vorms en teenoorgesteldes saam met Krokkie Krokodil

Cuberdon , Kobus Geldenhuys

Loer binne: Wilde diere

Really Decent Books , Elsa Silke

Tjoppie se verjaardag

Liz de Villiers, Vian Oelofsen

Not So Fast Songololo

Niki Daly


Julia Donaldson, Philip De Vos, Emily Gravett

My gunsteling-dierestories

Kobus Geldenhuys, Buttercup Publishing

Verf en leer: Kleure

iSeek Ltd

Stap vir stap: Tel tot 100


My eerste boek oor plaasdiere

Human Rousseau