Eet jou groente, Gouelokkies

Kobus Geldenhuys




Human & Rousseau

Date Released:

November 2015

Price (incl. VAT):

R 85.00


Soft cover, 24pp

About this book:

In this fairy tale with a twist, the three bears play host to a very fussy eater. Goldilocks hates eating vegetables, but the bears are determined to give her a healthy meal. Children learn the importance of a healthy diet with this hilarious story.


Tjoppie se besige dag

Liz de Villiers, Vian Oelofsen

Soek in die boek: Dinosourusse

Townhouse Publishing

Slimkoppies: My liggaam

Globe Publishing

Drake deel nooit!

Nicola Kinnear, Jaco Jacobs

My first book of farm animals

Human Rousseau

Stap vir stap: Tel tot 100


Die hond met die stert sonder swaai

Paula Fourie, Emily House

Verf en leer: 123

iSeek Ltd

Slimkoppies: Plaasdiere

Globe Publishing

Op Pappa se skouers

Niki Daly, Michelle Cooper

Loer binne: Wilde diere

Really Decent Books , Elsa Silke

Ek gaan skool toe!

Philip De Vos

Loer binne: Dinosourusse

Elsa Silke, Really Decent Books

Leer van vorms en teenoorgesteldes saam met Krokkie Krokodil

Cuberdon , Kobus Geldenhuys

Opwipsprokie: Die drie varkies

North Parade Publishing

Soek in die boek: Troeteldiere

Townhouse Publishing

My eerste boek oor plaasdiere

Human Rousseau

Leer van kleure saam met Ollie Olifant

Cuberdon , Kobus Geldenhuys

Soek in die boek: Wilde diere

Townhouse Publishing , De Wet Hugo

Saadjie en Spikkel

Alex Latimer, David Litchfield, Elsa Silke

Opwipsprokie: Gouelokkies en die drie bere

North Parade Publishing

Step by Step: Counting to 100


My eerste tweetalige woordeboek/My first bilingual dictionary

Miles Kelly

Loer binne: Goeters wat beweeg

Elsa Silke, Really Decent Books

On My Papa's Shoulders

Niki Daly

Verf en leer: Kleure

iSeek Ltd

Tjoppie se verjaardag

Liz de Villiers, Vian Oelofsen

Babadierestories: Nag, Apie

Elsa Silke, Magic Cat

Babadierestories: Nag, Eendjie

Elsa Silke, Magic Cat

Eerste treë: Hallo, nuwe baba!

Townhouse Publishing

Stap vir stap: Tel tot 50


My gunsteling-dierestories

Kobus Geldenhuys, Buttercup Publishing

Raai hoe lief is ek vir jou (2021)

Sam McBratney, Linda Rode

Tjoppie sê goeienag

Liz de Villiers, Vian Oelofsen

My lapboek/My cloth book: Wilde diere/Wild animals


Tjoppie en die muskiet

Liz de Villiers, Vian Oelofsen

Badboek: By


Badboek: Uil



Julia Donaldson, Philip De Vos, Emily Gravett

Meerkat series: Grade 1 Book 1 ENG HL

Mart Meij, Beatrix de Villiers

Babadierestories: Nag, Hasie

Elsa Silke, Magic Cat

Step by Step: Counting to 50


My first book of the Big Five

Human Rousseau

My eerste boek oor die Groot Vyf

Human Rousseau

Eerste treë: Hallo, kleuterskool!

Townhouse Publishing

Soek in die boek: Plaasdiere

Townhouse Publishing , De Wet Hugo

The Dog with the Broken Wag

Paula Fourie, Emily House

Not So Fast Songololo

Niki Daly

My lapboek/My cloth book: Plaasdiere/Farm animals


My gunsteling-slaaptydstories

Kobus Geldenhuys, Buttercup Publishing