- Fiksie
- Engelse kortverhale
Niq Mhlongo
Epub ISBN:
Datum Vrygestel:
Maart 2016
Prys (incl. VAT):
R 335,00
Sagteband, 192pp
Oor hierdie boek:
Affluenza is 'n bundel kortverhale deur Niq Mhlongo. Die stories handel oor temas wat die afgelope twintig jaar van demokrasie in Suid-Afrika karakteriseer: misdaad, xenofobie, rassisme, homofobie, die nuwe swart elite, grondherverdeling. Die stories het reeds in Europa en die VSA verskyn en is nou vir die eerste keer in Suid-Afrika beskikbaar.

The Lucky Ones
Alistair Mackay

The Life of Worm & Other Misconceptions
Ken Barris

Talk of the Town
Fred Khumalo

Tjieng Tjang Tjerries and Other Stories
Jolyn Phillips

For You, I'd Steal a Goat
Niq Mhlongo

Searching for Simphiwe
Sifiso Mzobe

A Coat of Many Colours
Fred Khumalo

Soweto, Under the Apricot Tree
Niq Mhlongo

The Snow Sleeper
Marlene van Niekerk, Marius Swart

The Lucky Ones
Alistair Mackay

The Life of Worm & Other Misconceptions
Ken Barris

Talk of the Town
Fred Khumalo

Tjieng Tjang Tjerries and Other Stories
Jolyn Phillips

For You, I'd Steal a Goat
Niq Mhlongo

Searching for Simphiwe
Sifiso Mzobe

A Coat of Many Colours
Fred Khumalo

Soweto, Under the Apricot Tree
Niq Mhlongo

The Snow Sleeper
Marlene van Niekerk, Marius Swart

The Lucky Ones
Alistair Mackay

The Life of Worm & Other Misconceptions
Ken Barris

Talk of the Town
Fred Khumalo

Tjieng Tjang Tjerries and Other Stories
Jolyn Phillips