At Any Cost

The South African fraudster who took the tech world for more than $40 million

Stephen Timm



Epub ISBN:




Datum Vrygestel:

Februarie 2021

Prys (incl. VAT):

R 365,00


Sagteband, 240pp

Oor hierdie boek:

Eran Eyal het alles gehad: ’n luukse woonstel in New York, ’n stralerjakkerlewe en beleggers wat toustaan vir sy kripto-platform, Shopin. Maar in 2018 word hy gearresteer vir bedrog. 42 miljoen dollar is skoonveld en die Suid-Afrikaanse entrepreneur word ontbloot as ’n waaghalsige bedrieër wat tot elke prys sukses wou behaal.

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Lesers sê

“An age-old narrative about ego and flying too close to the sun as well as a modern version of greed in the tech world.”

— Michael Jordaan

“Eyal proves definitively that a thousand white lies can get you convicted of fraud. This book meticulously walks the reader though the start-up lies that ended in tears.”

— Nic Haralambous