Midlife Money Makeover

Kim Potgieter



Epub ISBN:




Datum Vrygestel:

April 2021

Prys (incl. VAT):

R 315,00


Sagteband, 224pp

Oor hierdie boek:

‘You may think it is too late, but you have choices when it comes to every aspect of your life – including your money. Especially your money. I want you to put money where it belongs – as an enabler of your life . . . We all want to live purposefully, and with passion. This book is a call to action, a reminder that your second chapter is a chance to create your best life. A new life beckons.’

Kim Potgieter, a leading authority on holistic financial planning, has helped hundreds of clients put money in its right place – as a tool towards leading the life they really want, one filled with both security and inspiration. You may fear that you’ve waited too long. But Kim argues midlife is the perfect time to pause, tune in, and consciously create your next chapter. Filled with inspirational stories, practical tools and helpful reflections, Kim shows you how to become an empowered, modern elder.

‘Will simply and profoundly change both your money mindset, and the rest of your life.’
– David Krueger, author and CEO MentorPath